What you might need to know.  What we would like you to know:

Where to buy our 'stuff' 
~ We are currently sorting through the 'stuff' and working out how to open an eBay account, shop and take photos to upload. *gulp* I've never even bought on eBay! Husband has bought computer and game bits from overseas. Once the eBay store is opened, it will be here and in the right menu thing there, currently The Treasure Chest -->
It's there with one poor item, but the eBay sales are up and available under mandsmission.  Still working on the widgets, what-nots and why-fors?

How can spare change be contributed
While setting things up, the Treasure chest from ~Mands Meanderings accepts payments and that's set in increments of 10c, $1 and $2.  Plus you can 'shout us a cuppa for $3.50 and each cup will go onto the VISA because that's where it probably came from, along with the odd cake, donut...

PayPal ~ it's being set up, trying to work out if all methods charge fees. Surely there is a way to pop change from your own PayPal account into a friend's account without getting charged.  Fine for the eBay sales – I get that – but I don't get charged if I transfer money from my bank account into (say) my son's bank account. Perhaps not . . . still working on it *grins*  
The Treasure Chest is via PayPal
And the Spare Change Jar takes any loose change via PayPal (worked it out!!)

Bank Account ~ We use ING Direct.  Please use the following details
Account: Mands Mission (Australia)
BSB:  923100  Acct No:  30080184 

For additional details or concerns, send a message and we can email you and alternative

Cheques, money orders, gift cards ~ getting things set to send to PO Box - you can send a message and we can email you a street address in the meantime

Affiliate Links:

(in progress - not all links work yet)

Simple Savings – please use the link. Mention ~Mands :o) referred you through the affiliate link and we earn $10.  A few of those would help *hints*

EmailCash/Rewards Central - please click here http://www.rewardscentral.com.au/Join/Default.aspx?refer=MandyD
LightSpeed - please click here (Aust/NZ only)

BrandLeaders - please click here 

PieStock - please click here (Aust only)

My Opinions
<a href="http://www.myopinions.com.au/join/default.aspx?refer=MandyD">Be rewarded for your opinions! Join MyOpinions today!</a>

Why should you give us money for nothing?
Well, you don't have to feel like you get nothing.  You'll have our thanks, our gratitude, maybe a good feeling in your soul and a smile on your face *smiles* If you want something tangible, see if there is something on the eBay store which strikes your fancy.  Or join Simple Savings for a year via the affiliate link by clicking the Simple Savings banner or links.  Besides, we am not saying you must give us any money toward our debt - if you want to help out, we thank you in advance...

Is my contribution tax deductible or going to be paid back?
Quite simple – no – to both questions.  Having got this far ~ it should be quite clear what we are hoping people to consider.

Are you a con artist or insane? 
Mental assessments and counselling confirm depression but not insanity.  My doctor did re-consider after learning about the three cartwheels ~ promising not to consider such a ridiculous action for 12-18 months seemed to keep my status at sane. *phew*

It's not a scam or method to rip you off – technology has moved to fast for me to keep up with all the widgetty-crap.  Simple request, simple dreams and desires, Simple Savings gives me $10 if you become a member using my affiliate banner *hint-hint*

Why do you want my money?
Because spinal surgery does not make good on generating income when you can't get out of bed in the beginning, do much more than manage therapy and limited actions for a year or three – it makes work an impossibility for an interim and the whole family's quality of life is starting to crumble. It has got to the point we need a helping hand and no one person is likely to hand over strangers $20 thousand dollars with no qualm or quibble.  It would be as likely as winning the Lotto without having a ticket. Because we cant buy our regular $2.40 Saturday draw ticket for the time being. 

Most people can find a few cents to put in another persons parking meter; be in the position to pick up the tab at lunch; offer a mate a kilo of mince, some tomatoes and a fresh clove of garlic and know that's a few meals.  Half of you will probably be nodding right now, knowing you've been on the giving or receiving end of such a transaction. Some might be thinking that is quite far-fetched and only happens to 'dead beats' or media-exploited and exaggerated portrayals ~ it happens.  I've happily given friends, families whole roasts, a kilo of mince, potatoes, carrots, milk, bread, coffee – the works – because sometimes life gets way too tight and it's an honour and privilege to help another person without making them feel they owe you.  At this moment – we must ask for help.
Pretend you're treating a friend to a latte in a nice café, maybe even a slice of cake. With that amount, I'll be able to buy a small jar of Nescafe Greenblend and make a whole cake!

While the preparation is under-way 
~ those who can use PayPal stores can use the 'Treasure Chest' through ~Mands Meanderings to contribute may pop some dosh in there.  *grins*

Further Frequently Asked Questions
More questions and answers will be included as they arise.  
No doubt, there will be a few.