The Current Debt Amount : $ 35,369.49
Our Money : $10.00
Your Money : $2.00
'Coffee' dates : $0.00
eBay Sales : $0.00
The Total Paid onto the Debt : $12 - onto the credit card.
New Debt Amount : $35,357.40
We've included the $2 gift made to the Treasure Chest - I made someone laugh enough to gratefully acknowledge the enjoyment of reading my Meanderings.
Our contribution in detail
$10 - grocery below budget, transferred on to the credit card.
The Previous Date: Wednesday 13 October 2010
The Current Debt Total : $ 35,357.49
Our Money : $109.10
Your Money : $0.00
'Coffee' dates : $0.00
eBay Sales : $0.00
The Total Paid onto the Debt : $109.10
New Debt Amount : $35,248.39
Our contribution in detail
$60 - grocery below budget
$19.10 - money found around the house
$10 - mystery shop reimbursement
$20 - MudGuts owed us
$10 - mystery shop reimbursement
$20 - MudGuts owed us
Our $21 Shop week came to $21.60 in total. Then Husband handed in a receipt from yesterday, only fruit n veg but added $20. Still a mighty fine effort. Adding $60 to our contribution saved as we do have $100 allocated in the weekly budget for groceries. The $20 from MudGuts transferred straight to VISA, the $80 from the shop savings moved to the LOC, $10 went to HomeCare's bill and the coins will go on VISA at the end of the month.
The Previous Up-date: Wednesday 20 October 2010
The Current Debt Total : $ 35,248.39
Our Money : $100.00
Your Money : $0.00
'Coffee' dates : $3.50
eBay Sales : $10.99
Repaid Money : $188
Repaid Money : $188
The Total Paid onto the Debt : $302.49
New Debt Amount : $ 34,945.90
Our contribution in detail
$ 3.00 - wrong change, onto the debt
$188.00 - discounts and savings
$ 35.00 - mystery shop reimbursement
A little over budget on the $120 grocery shop - ended as $125.60 so not a bad effort for a first non-challenge shop. With $1079 coming in the last fortnight, we paid an extra $100 on VISA after the mortgage, gas, electricity, water and antenna repair. Of course we find out today we were entitled to have this done free with our DSP card entitlements. Oh well, it was saved up and ready.
We received cash for the two remaining Powderfinger tickets $188, straight back onto the VISA as well. Buying the extra cat food while at 77c has taken almost $30 from the budget - such a special has given us two month food for the same price as 5 weeks. With $203 coming in on Friday, its liable to be a tight week as the mortgage is slightly higher and we've to make the decision whether to use the savings for the car rego, or play catch up by the end of November.
The Previous Update: Wednesday 27 October 2010
The Current Debt Total : $ 34,945.90
Our Money : $83.13
Your Money : $20.00
'Coffee' dates : $0.00
eBay Sales : $0.99
The Total Paid onto the Debt : $104.12
New Debt Amount : $ 34,841.78
Our contribution in detail
$ 16.20 - coin collection
$ 30.85 - Medicare rebate
$ 35.88 - Power rebate
WOW ~ a week when readers scattered change into the Treasure Chest; a doctor's bill came with a rebate; the electricity company sent us a rebate AND one phone call to the credit card company dropped the interest rate from 20.9% to 9.2% and no annual fee for the life of the card (saving $90). Oh oh - and we went into the bank, together and because we were both there we spoke to one of the 'banking consultants' and had the monthly fee ($5) removed AND reimbursed from the new financial year, giving us $15 in the bank. As soon as the cheques clear, this all transfers to the LOC. How good is that!?!?
$ 30.85 - Medicare rebate
$ 35.88 - Power rebate
WOW ~ a week when readers scattered change into the Treasure Chest; a doctor's bill came with a rebate; the electricity company sent us a rebate AND one phone call to the credit card company dropped the interest rate from 20.9% to 9.2% and no annual fee for the life of the card (saving $90). Oh oh - and we went into the bank, together and because we were both there we spoke to one of the 'banking consultants' and had the monthly fee ($5) removed AND reimbursed from the new financial year, giving us $15 in the bank. As soon as the cheques clear, this all transfers to the LOC. How good is that!?!?
The Previous Update: Wednesday 3 November 2010
The Current Debt Total : $ 34,841.78
Our Money : $100.00
Your Money : $0.10
'Coffee' dates : $2.50
eBay Sales : $30.00
The Total Paid onto the Debt : $100.00 ($34,709.28)
AND the black mark ~ LOC transfer application
(added to LOC debt): $ 2,854.19
AND the black mark ~ LOC transfer application
(added to LOC debt): $ 2,854.19
New Debt Amount : $ 37,563.47
Our contribution in detail
$ 20.00 - grocery savings
$ 15.00 - mystery shop
$ 30.15 - electricity company refund
$ 34.85 - medicare refund
'OFFLINE', CARLESS & 'DISCONNECTED' ~ Mechanical 'Hellstra'
NO UPDATES: Wednesday 10-24 November 2010
NO UPDATES: Wednesday 10-24 November 2010
The Current Debt Total : $ 37,563.47
Our Money : $0.00
Your Money : $0.00
'Coffee' dates : $0.00
eBay Sales : $0.00
The Total Paid onto the Debt : $
New Debt Amount : $
Our contribution in detail
$ 0.00 - grocery savings
NOTE: The main posts are updating the news of the activities for close to three weeks in which a heck of a lot happened when our car took 6 days longer than expected to be collected from the mechanics as a 'comedy' of errors came under-way following the changing of our land-line rental resulted in the 'disconnection' of services, then affecting the 'port' key/code/techie stuff to the Internet, Skype and VOIP via our provider, InterNode. Enough said here ~ simply there has been 'Hellstra' to pay around here for the communication stakes. Hands-on, manually and via mobiles, libraries and taxi - lots has been done.
Therefore, the first day of the month bringing Christmas seems like a good time to do a full and proper 'audit', have activities past analysed and bettered where needed, get set for the coming of 2011 and, importantly explain how we have got the month set to end with outgoings lower than our income. To get this in (kinda)understandable order, the next update will be up by Wednesday 1 December 2010.
~ We shall see you back here then. Thanks so much for supporting our Mission ~ we are certainly on a Mission of mammoth proportions; it's just not Mission Impossible any more!
NEXT UPDATE ~ Date: Wednesday 1 December 2010
The Current Debt Total : $ 37,563.47
Our Money : $0.00
Your Money : $0.00
'Coffee' dates : $0.00
eBay Sales : $0.00
The Total Paid onto the Debt : $
New Debt Amount : $
Our contribution in detail
$ 0.00 - grocery savings