We would love to thank every one who send any type of gift, contribution, support however we respect people's privacy and will not be providing others personal details to anyone, in any way or anything. We expect this same respect of privacy, like don't give out our phone number Dad or say the boys real names and stuff. (This bit will probably be changed to be more legal or jargony and if any legal or financial consultants are prepared to offer advice gratis, no obligation et al - love to hear from you)
If you did want to see acknowledgement of the receipt of your gift to us, please please tell us and show us how you'd like to be 'mentioned' here. I think you can leave messages, even write a comment I can copy into here. It can be a basic "JaneSmith, NSW - $1.36" or a brief "PixieMagic, Moe, Vic - 49c" ~ Please don't get too carried away, we still need to say thank you.
We really hope we will be able acknowledge everyone who would like to be listed. Even if you have bought one of the items or a 'take away coffee'. Keep it simple, "HJackman, Aust - 'Virtual' coffee $5.00, cake $2.00" or "JustHelping, NZ - item from eBay - $3.78". This might (hopefully) be a busy page!
A quick Thank You in Advance
We would like to acknowledge the following people from all walks of life and various locations for their gift or buying an item from our shop. You have helped us progress in our challenge to remove a rather large debt from our lives. We are grateful for your input and impressed there is still kindness in strangers that drives them to help out another person for no other reason than they can. When you pay it forward, should the time come you too end up needing help, know there will be others waiting to help you this time.
To anyone who passed this blog link to another person and told them to read it and suggest they help us on our Mission - many thanks
Ricky ~ who thought it was a good idea, kept reminding us we could make it work, explaining the ways to keep smiling and moving forward
Kimmie ~ she made the first reference to us in her blog
Lisa ~ for the first FaceBook 'like'
Linda ~ what a clutter that support made going into the Treasure Chest
Lisa ~ for the first FaceBook 'like'
Linda ~ what a clutter that support made going into the Treasure Chest