Saturday, January 15, 2011

Who 'rained' on our parade...

Out front this afternoon ~ the water draining away... 

Finally ~ some blue sky AND sunshine...

And let me say straight up we are nowhere near as affected, devastated or damaged as our QLD friends ~ but boy oh boy over 250mm in three days and a sloping unsealed roadside verge running along a highway turned our driveway into a river, our doorway into a kiddie pool and the carport ended up with water up two inches of flow and debris. Damn it.  
Front Lawn Thursday
Front Lawn Friday
Add to that a four car garage containing all our lawn sale boxes, the new carpet rolls, tools, toys and MILs stored goods (these were on pallets thankfully!) with the driveway river streaming straight in under the roller doors and we have ended up with great motivation to cull, toss and clear out a lot of wet, soggy 'stuff'. I think I am most upset about the rolls of plush carpet as that was to replace the old cruddy coverings in the lounge room and most grateful that Hubby's mum's items were not damaged in any way as all were on pallets.
Carport Thursday (Hubby dug in a trench after this)
Carport Friday
It seems divine intervention has 'rained' a message from above. The time had come to cull, to simplify those things that are just 'things' and we had been making some mighty fine in-roads to de-clutter, remove items that were unnecessary or give those that were a place to be stored for using, not just continually looking for things or replacing them with new 'stuff'. You've probably seen some of the before and after pics, even tho I've been slack updating because the focus as been more on the action, rather than the distraction of talking about what we were 'gunna' do or twaddling on about what we've done  ॐ less is best, we are blessed, out with the mess ~ safe & well & dry(er) although a little muddy, sore and frustrated. Nothing compared to our QLD friends, but gee whizz it was wet... 

Front door Thurs
Front door Fri morning     
Actually I am truly grateful the trees did not come down in the 90kmh wind, that no true damage was incurred and after mopping up inside the house we've come away ok. The carport mess has gone straight in our trailer or onto the compost as it was mostly dirt, leaves and other such debris but with the level getting up in the garage we will need to hire a medium to large dumpster bin ~ so there's about $300 to scrounge up by Monday. *sighs* 
Front door receding Fri lunch
At the back door Friday 
I need to say Thank you to some very lovely and special people. Thanks to my sister Jode for taking the time to check all was OK up our way (I hope you didn't get too soaked either - chat next weekend); Thank you to Patricia ~ please do come visit as we would love to share a meal, the pasta maker will be mastered and it will be something wonderful; Thank you Simple Savings, especially my Glowie friends who have given us some lovely support by phone, text and email;  Thank you to the Jonahs ~ have we said you are very important and special people in our lives recently? Well you are!! Dare I say thank you Hellstra?? Maybe not yet...

Spoke to that phone company on Thursday - wow, that was only yesterday - and received a credit of $50 on our already in credit phone bill for the inconvenience incurred over the last few months. However the greater issue was the $409.83 taken from our credit card to pay for fees and charges incurred disconnecting our home line, creating a new ASDL connection and reconnecting our internet ~ all because we tried to get a low rate line. Grrrr ~ 

Called the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman last week because the fall out from the November disconnection was still ongoing. Well well well ~ we have had contact and,  provided all funds are paid as 'assured', the matter will be finally over. But how's this for painful - first offer was to credit the phone $409 (we are already $120 in credit and dont make calls from the landline, we use voip or skype); how about a cheque - taking six to ten WEEKS to process (umm, our credit card max'd out due to this cock up). So I asked if it could refund back on the credit card - Hellstra has the details and take from it when an amount it owing - no, cant do that, sorry. So then I asked if it can be transferred into the bank ~ well, yes it can, if we don't mind waiting three to ten BUSINESS DAYS... Hello?!!!  This is an option that could see the funds in the account by mid next week to transfer to the credit card!!! Another Grrrr ~

So lesson learned ~ ask ask ask. If the offers being made are only going to mean more expense - ask for an arrangement that won't add to the expenses and negotiate. What's more, the refund will come in as our next repayment on the credit card is due and will be more than the minimum required. Timely and beneficial.  Now to find another $6000 to get this debt down...

I've got heaps of other news ~ all savings related but we need to focus on cleaning up this mess Mother Nature provided to give us motivation and incentive to get full swing into the de-cluttering! 

Any contributions to the Spare Change Jar or the Treasure Chest would be welcome ~ mostly to get this skip hired, some trenches dug and new carpet. 
Actually the new carpet can wait - what we have is fine and will hide any dirt and mud making its way inside over the next little while. It's waited a year and can wait a little longer...

Stay safe, stay happy and take care of you and yours xx

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